Thursday, March 26, 2015

Brainstorming Doesn't Work; Try This Technique Instead

Turns out we've all been doing brainstorming wrong; this article from Fast Company tells us how to be significantly more effective through "brainwriting".

(hat tip to Gerry Riskin)

Friday, March 20, 2015

How to unshorten and shorten links

"You might be familiar with shortened links from social media or email. They’re handy for keeping things tidy and within a character limit, but you can’t see what you’re clicking on. What if the link is malicious or just a waste of time? Turn that short link into a long link with and see where you’re going."

Handy tips from the Chicago Bar Association's Law Practice Management & Technology center.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Summer Student Training: How Much Is Too Much?

Tips from Susannah Tredwell for designing a summer student training program, via The only thing I'd add is to show the students where the candy jar is, too -- gives them an extra reason to come to the library :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Five Ways to Revive Your LinkedIn Profile

Great post from Joan Feldman of Attorney at Work on making your LinkedIn profile as effective as possible. Find some great tips in #4 if you have a common name that makes you hard to find in Google.